Teddy Dondanville

I by far am the happiest I can be when I am in the mountains. The fresh air. The cool temperatures. The sun, wind, rain and snow. The high elevation. The...

I by far am the happiest I can be when I am in the mountains. The fresh air. The cool temperatures. The sun, wind, rain and snow. The high elevation. The...

I by far am the happiest I can be when I am in the mountains. The fresh air. The cool temperatures. The sun, wind, rain and snow. The high elevation. The...

Life is like a flower feed it with passionwatch it grow. Open up, show your colorsshare your beautyand your scent. Soak up your sun, while you canbecause on Sundays the gardener...

I see the universe levitating above your shoulders. A cloud filled with your essence. They look, I beam. I beam from the beauty beyond the image. Your magic reflects in my...

Winds and rainthey feel no painsmoothing out the peaks and valleys Sun and shadebetween the two a sharp bladecasting and cutting the earth into parts Brick and steelsmash all like a...

I slumber well and take my post, in my watchful tower.  Tiny people can be seen moving round, from my little birds nest.  The neighbor rooster can be heard, from my...

What has grown now travels along Plants turn to money but labor never stops too long   The earth looks naked but far from cold Striped in lines new roots take...

Atrapado en piedra Pachamama grita desde dentro Ella vea lo que pasa a su tierra   Lagrimas corren y ella se cubre la cara Si ella llora, todos lloran Ella Necesita...